Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Disability Blues

I am kinda sad today. The snow, the snow, the snow...
I really love snow. I love snowmobiling, snowball fights and even shoveling! It is my sense of being a burden to people that stops me (and the slush that I bring in on my tires too) from 'getting out and living.' I guess to a certain extent, I am just whining. Get over it--I have to!
I am in a wheelchair. I lost my leg in a horrific car crash which could have left me dead. I live a good life... but sometimes I want my old one back.
The snow gets me down because it makes it so hard to get around. I want to go to the store, but there is NO WAY for me to wheel there unaided. I slip, I slide, I freeze; I go home. Wheelchair tires and snow don't mix, I ASSURE you. I moved to Vancouver to avoid this shit, and here it is, once again.
Talk to me in summer. I will be a MUCH nicer person.

In the mind's mire

Ah, winter's ambush leaves me forestalled. My spade has broken and I am unable to retrieve myself!!!!!
My tires spin in the snow, freezing my fingers. It is in winter when I feel my disability most and when my resentment surfaces...